Weekly Blogger Spotlight: Theresa Bailey

This week's blogger is Theresa Bailey at Bridesmaid's Confession!  It's a wonderful site that helps bridesmaids navigate the complicated world of weddings and the dynamics that go on behind the scenes.  If you, or any friends, are asked to be a bridesmaid this spring or summer (or any time), be sure to check out her site!  Also, if you have any stories of being a bridesmaid, then be sure to check out her submission page here.

What did you decide to create your blog?

I really had a great time planning my wedding and after it was over I found myself continuing to look at wedding stuff all the time. I noticed pretty quickly that there weren't that many sites focusing solely on the bridesmaid experience, and thought that would be a really fun topic. The problem was, at the time I had never been a bridesmaid, only a bride! So I tabled the idea for almost a year, until my sister asked me to be the Matron of Honor in her wedding. It seemed like the perfect time to write about my love of weddings and detail my experience as a bridesmaid.

What do you love about blogging? 

I love writing and in college I was a radio, television, and film major. I graduated with a Bachelor's in Communications. Writing this blog has allowed me to find a way back to one of my favorite creative outlets. One thing I didn't expect when I started my blogging adventure was the friendships I would make with other bloggers. It's been fun to connect with other wedding bloggers from all over the United States and other countries too. There is a really strong UK wedding blogging community and I've been welcomed into their circle. It's fun to learn all of the differences and similarities between US and international weddings.

Who are your heroes in life?

My family are truly heroes to me. My dad has always been supportive of my goals and has long encouraged me to follow my heart with career decisions. My sisters and my mom are my best friends. They know me so well and always keep me on track, especially with all the creative things I want to put my time and energy into. They know when to encourage me and when to reel me back in. Of course I can't forget my husband. He's a great partner in life and someone who truly wants to see me happy. I love that we have goals as a couple and as individuals. We know the importance of both and support each other, even if he's not exactly interested in the wedding industry. He knows it makes me happy.

What is one of your ultimate goals in life?

I have always wanted to run my own business and that goal is becoming a reality soon. I've decided to make the blog into a full fledged business and will be offering planning services for engagement celebrations, bridal showers, and bachelorette parties. Other services will include speech writing and general assistance for bridesmaid who need help in their role. Not everyone knows what is expected of them and so they find being a bridesmaid overwhelming. I am looking forward to helping bridesmaids enjoy their experience, instead of stress out.

If you could give one piece of advice to those you blog for, what would it be?

The biggest mistake I see bridesmaids make all the time is not communicating openly. The easiest point to talk to the bride about what is expected of you is when she first asks you to be a bridesmaid. Make sure that you find out what events you'll be required to attend and any financial obligations. If you have a conflict with a wedding related event, be sure to tell the bride right away. It's also important to communicate with the other bridesmaids so you can divide up tasks and split the cost of things like the bridal shower and the bachelorette party.

Hi!  I am Theresa Bailey, the blogger behind www.bridesmaidsconfession.com.  My site gives bridesmaids tips and tricks on everything from bridal shower planning, bachelorette fun, and what to do if there is bridal party drama. Ever since my teen years, I have acted as the “planner” for most family functions and assisted in organizing lots of fundraising events, so it was no surprise when I ended up loving every second of planning my wedding in 2014. Recently, I've been the Matron of Honor to my younger sister, and am currently Matron of Honor to my best friend, I am always determined to be the best bridesmaid ever and share what I am learning along the way.

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  1. Thank you so much for featuring me! This was really fun to do since my blog had it's 1 year anniversary at the end of February. It was nice to reflect back.

    1. It was my pleasure! Thank you so much for agreeing to let me spotlight you <3 Your blog is awesome!

  2. I love that she focuses on bridesmaid to help them and the bride know what to do, how to have fun and share their experiences.

    1. Thanks :) Being a bridesmaid can be a tough job, but with the right amount of organization it can be the best time in your life!

  3. this must be a great resource for those engaged etc. and I can see how that would translate nicely to a business. This July we are celebrating 10 years married, it goes fast!

    1. Thank you for the kind words and congrats on your upcoming milestone anniversary!
