I created a nice list of deep journaling prompts for you, ones that will take your journaling game from basic to breaking open some deep and buried truths so you can cultivate some understanding in your life on why you do and think the way you do. And rather than write a lengthy blog about the prompts, I am just going to give you the prompts to work with instead. So here they are:
The Big List of Deep Journaling Prompts
- I am hurting right now, because I need....
- I feel most betrayed by....
- I am withholding love for others by....
- I am withholding love for myself by....
- One need of mine that is never fulfilled by my significant other is....
- One need of my significant other's that I just can't fulfill is....
- When I look in the mirror, I see....
- In my fantasies, one reoccurring theme I have is....
- What love means to me is....
- If I could do anything, I would....
- The one part of myself I wish I understood more is....
- The one part of my partner I wish I understood more is....
- If I could change one behavior of mine with the snap of my fingers, it would be this....
- What I need most right now is....
- The people I trust the most in my life are....
- If I am being completely honest with myself, I would admit that....
- What I think about most is....
- What my parents taught me about love is....
- What family means to me is....
- One thing I wish my parents understood is that....
- One thing I wish my children understood is that....
- My relationship with food is....
- The holidays make me feel like....
- My most favorite holiday is....
- The holiday that stresses me out the most is....
- I am an introvert/extrovert/ambivert (pick one), and because of that, I am....
- I don't believe in....
- I believe wholeheartedly in....
- I want to believe in....
- Something I used to believe in, but no longer do is....
- The one thing that I wish everyone knew about me is....
- How I can bring more of what I love into my life is....
- If I could find one answer about my past, it would be....
- Something I wish I could remember is....
- Who would I be without my pain/anger/resentment/negativity/etc.?
- I blame _________ for _________ because....
- My life would be better without....
- My life would be better with....
- Something I wish I could control is....
- Sometimes I wish I could just....
- What would happen if I changed something about my past? If I could change that one thing, what would it be? And how would it effect my life today by changing it?
- I am who I am because of....
- If I wrote a memoir, I'd name it ___________ because....
- If I could vacation anywhere in the world, where would I go? What would I do? Plan a vacation in your journal, even with an itinerary if you like! This isn't a deep prompt in the way of psychology, but deep in the way of dreaming 💗
- My favorite song lyrics are _____________ because to me they mean....
- One piece of my childhood sticks out is....
- When I am old and I look back at my life, I want to remember this the most is....
- If I could create something beautiful in my life, it would be....
- Make a level 10 life chart in your journal and find the areas that need the most work and journal about how you can achieve this. You can find what a level 10 life chart is here.
- Make a list in your journal called "100 Things Bucket List" and separate the list into 10 groups of 10. I talk about this in my post about "Creating a Life Map Journal" here. Each group of 10 will have its own subject. Instructions on what categories to to possibly choose from are in the post that I just linked you to. Don't get to hung up on what to include, this is a fun activity that helps you to see possible avenues you can explore in your future.
- This one comes from "The Soul Excavation Program". Make a gigantic list of everyone you know and have ever known. Start with a mind map, with a subject in the middle (such as "family" or "grade school", etc.), and branch out from there. Keep going until you've named most everyone you can remember. The people who made you angry or you have negative feelings about, highlight them with a color of your choosing. And then go through each highlighted name and write about your experiences with them. If you can't pinpoint why they make you feel negatively towards them, just freewrite anything you can remember. It may lodge something loose. I suggest having a journal that's dedicated to this process only, as, for most, it's a HUGE undertaking and will take up a lot of space. You may hit upon something in this process you've never thought of before. If you find yourself still feeling negative about particular people, keep writing about them as much as you can so you can work out whatever is bugging you.
That's it for now, but I hope I've given you enough to keep you busy for awhile 💗