I created this in 2021 and COMPLETELY forgot to upload it here! What was I even thinking?? I don't know, but it's something I am very proud of it and I hope you enjoy it too! AND it's for both adults and kids!
I made this because I HATE HATE HATE coloring books with only a small portion of the page to color in. So, I created my own, with ENTIRE full-size pages to color, from edge to edge! If you can't find something in the world, create it yourself! So I did!! It has big wide places to doodle and color in, which is perfect for both kids and adults, alike!
Also, did you know can cover the pages with either clear gesso or watercolor ground so you can PAINT in it??? I just learned this! I will be doing that with mine, soon, and maybe I'll upload a video about it! Here are some sample pages and you can find the book below! Happy coloring!!